Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to create a simple projector

Do you ever wish to buy a projector and because of insufficient financial resources you forgot that idea of buying it? 

So here is the time but not to buy to make one your own with some stuffs you planning to throw or not in use all the time. Let’s make the projector

Things you need – 

  • Shoe box
  • A knife/scissor 
  • Tape 
  • Magnifying Glass (Any size) 
  • Building blocks/clay or something that can be used as a stand A mobile phone (Resolution will be according to the phone display)

Step 1 – you need to cover all the holes or gaps which have in the box to avoid the light going out from the box by doing this you will be able to maximize the quality of the output of the video. Make sure everything covered where lights does not go out or come in

Step 2 – Magnifying Glass is the lens of this product. So to place the lens you need to find the center of the box and mark it and keep your magnifying glass in middle and mark it carefully.

Now cut the circle which you draw. And make sure to cut more accurately to get best result. Opposite of the Circle side cut a one or two holes for speakers so the sound will come out effectively or to plug your speaker cable.

Step 3 – Now keep your magnifying glass in the hole and paste it without moving

Step 4 – Place you mobile inside box and move front or back until it get focused and make place the phone by using clay or the stand which you having

Note – make sure you have placed the mobile upside down which means the video play upside down by doing it you will be able to see your video in normal way

Now close the box and you’re ready to view the video. Ahh hehee you need to play the video first before closing the box :p

I have made some modification to the outside look so the projector will look nicer. 

If the video quality is low keep the maximum brightness and you beta use a dark room. 

Thank you Guys for viewing if you have any doubts leave us a comment
!!!...Have a nice day...!!!